Begin your musical journey today. Enroll in music lessons with Miss Heather and discover your passion!
Miss Heather offers voice & piano lessons for students of ALL AGES.
$115 Monthly Tuition Rate for private Lessons
Lessons are priced by the month. One month of private lessons typically includes 4 lessons, one lesson each week during the month. Each lesson is approximately 30 minutes in length. Students may choose to upgrade to 60 minute lessons, in which case, the tuition rate is doubled. Similar to a school, daycare, or athletic team, a student's tuition rate remains the same each month of the year, regardless of how many lessons a student attends. If a student chooses to miss a lesson for any reason, that lesson time is forfeited. Miss Heather is not obligated to provide a make up lesson for missed lessons. Included in the monthly tuition rate is the option to participate in frequent studio recitals, community outreach performances and other performance events. The private lesson tuition rate is for all private lessons with Miss Heather including voice lessons, piano lessons and autoharp lessons.
Monthly studio recitals
the Conservatory hosts a studio recital each month
participation in the Conservatory's monthly studio recitals is included in monthly tuition rates
participation in the Conservatory's monthly studio recitals is optional for all students, not mandatory
recitals takes place at a different venue each month
studio recitals are designed to be a casual, low-key performance opportunity for students
optional themes and dress codes are suggested for each recital
each student should be prepared to introduces himself and his piece
studio recitals are designed to be a casual, low-key performance opportunity for students
optional themes and dress codes are suggested for each recital
each student should be prepared to introduces himself and his piece
friends and family are welcome to attend studio recitals free of charge
studio recitals are offered every month, please do not sign up unless you are able to arrive early and stay for the entire recital -- if the time is inconvenient for you, just pick a different month to participate
friends and family are welcome to attend studio recitals free of charge