Studio Recitals

Miss Heather offers a variety of frequent performance events for her voice and piano students. In her studio, Miss Heather strives to provide many different types of  experiences to help students become well-rounded performers. Whether a debut recitalist or an experienced entertainer, every student will find performance opportunities in Miss Heather’s studio to foster further growth in stage presence. 

Miss Heather’s voice student, Cynda, performing at a Conservatory of the Ozarks event in 2021

Studio recitals are the most frequent performance opportunities for Miss Heather’s voice and piano students. Participation in studio recitals is not mandatory, but strongly encouraged for all of Miss Heather’s students. The option to participate in studio recitals is included in monthly lesson tuition at Miss Heather’s studio. In other words, studio recitals are free for all Miss Heather’s students. 

Recitals take place at a different venue in the Springfield area each month. Most recitals have a suggested theme and dress code. For example, in February the theme is usually Italian love songs, the suggested dress code is usually red and pink, and the recital often occurs at an Italian restaurant. Learning pieces to fit the monthly theme is a fun challenge for students. Finding a matching costume for the themed piece can be a great learning experience in preparing a complete act. Performing in a recital when everyone on the program has carefully chosen and prepared a piece to fit the theme is an educational experience. However, participation in the suggested theme and dress code is not required. A student is welcome to perform a piece which doesn't fit the theme or to skip following the suggested dress code.

Students should be careful to observe the sign-up deadline for each recital. Typically the sign-up deadline for recitals is the Friday one week prior to the recital. Students should check their information on the program order to ensure that their name is spelled correctly, etc.

Studio Recital Guidelines

What is a Studio Recital?

Conservatory of the Ozarks offers frequent studio recitals which is open to all Miss Heather’s students. Participation in studio recitals is included in the price of monthly tuition. In other words, there is no fee for students to participate in monthly studio recitals, but students are required to follow the Conservatory’s Recital Guidelines when participating in recitals.

Friends and family are always welcome to attend studio recitals!

Studio recitals are designed to be a laid-back performance opportunity where students can gain experience in poise, stage presence, and mastering stage fright. This is a great opportunity to try out a new song, a student composition, or a debut performance!

Studio recitals are held at a variety of casual venues. Restaurants, hospitals, coffee shops, nursing homes, libraries, and art galleries are examples of typical studio recital locations.

Studio recitals are not held in a concert hall with hundreds of people in the audience and big spot light. The studio recital experience is meant to be comfortable, positive, and encouraging.

Frequent performance opportunities are very important for the growth of music students. Just as students should frequently practice their technique -- students should also practice their stage presence in front of an audience. The Conservatory hope to build confidence in students through studio recitals. These positive performance experiences build the foundation of poise and confidence to allow students to perform in bigger performances down the road.

How do I Participate?

Students wishing to perform in a studio recital should sign up during their weekly voice or piano lesson with Miss Heather.

Studio recital sign-up is first-come-first-serve. Once the program order is full -- no more performers may sign up for that month -- this is to help limit the audience size (which is less intimidating for novice performers). Studio recitals usually have about 50-60 spectators in the audience. Students must sign up by the deadline listed on event flier.

Check the Program Order

Nothing is more disappointing than seeing your name spelled incorrectly on the program order, after you’ve practiced for a great performance at a recital. The program order is emailed out and posted on Facebook after the sign up deadline passes. Students should check their recital info for accuracy and report any corrections by emailing or texting Miss Heather right away.

Typing up the program for each recital takes time and thought from Miss Heather. Miss Heather waits to print the program order for each recital until the last possible minute to ensure accuracy. A reminder text about the recital is sent out shortly before the recital. Students should text the Miss Heather’s phone immediately if they are unable to attend the recital. It is important that the program order is accurate. It is inconsiderate to sign up for the recital and then not show up without texting the to cancel.

Students will be placed in order of performance based on what makes the most sense for the program order. Students may not request to be placed at a certain place in the program order.

Recital Etiquette & Punctuality

Part of the point of studio recitals is to teach students to be good audience members at musical performances. Students should plan to arrive at least 15 minutes before the recital begins and stay for the entire recital. Students may not leave following their own performances. Students should show respect for all the other students by watching every performance listed in the program order and applauding the hard work of each performer. Students who arrive late to a recital or leave before a recital is concluded 3 times in one year may not participate in any more studio recitals until the following year. If students invite guests to attend the recital, the guests should be asked to arrive punctually as well and plan to stay for the entirety of the recital.

What to Expect at a Studio Recital

Memorization is encouraged but not required.

Students sometimes have assigned seats in order of performance at the front of the recital venue.

Students should be prepared to introduce themselves and their piece before performing: "My name is _________ and I will be performing ______________." Students must take a bow at the conclusion of their performance.

Students are welcome to perform either one or two solos and up to one collaborate piece for each studio recital. This limit does not apply to duet recitals.

Many students do dress up for studio recitals, but no dress code is enforced. Often the recital has a suggested theme (such as Valentine's Day) and students may choose to dress accordingly. Students should remember to wear an outfit that will be modest and comfortable while walking, standing, sitting, and bowing. It's a very good idea to practice your piece while wearing your recital outfit to be sure that sleeve, high heels, hemlines, bracelets, etc do not interfere with your performance.

Hair should be fixed so it is back from the eyes. Pianist should have clean hands with neatly trimmed, short finger nails.

Accompaniment for Singers & Instrumentalists

Students needing a backing track must turn in their track to Miss Heather by the sign-up deadline for the recital. Students may either email their track to or drop off a CD with their track at Conservatory of the Ozarks.